The weak dollar helped to boost crab imports in European markets during 2007, says a Food and Agriculture Organisation Globefish report, prepared by Gerry O'Sullivan.
Mexico imports over $300 million worth of fish and seafood products every year. In 2006 this included about $150 of fish fillets, $36 million of crustaceans, and $12 of other seafood, says a USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN report.
This is an extract of a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report to the Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives. It discusses why multiple administrative and environmental issues need to be addressed in establishing …
By Saravanan, S., and Biju Sam Kamalam, J. - PG Scholars at CIFE, Mumbai - and and also John Stephen Sampath Kumar, Associate Professor, FC & RI, Tuticorin, India. Published in Shellfish News 25 Spring Summer 2008.
Michael Rubino, of the NOAA Aquaculture Programme, provides an introduction into the findings of this report and visualises what these discoveries may entail.Twenty years ago, offshore aquaculture fish and shellfish farming in U.S. federalwaters was an emergin…