A shellfish aquaculture study regarding co-location with offshore wind farms (OWFs) has recently been completed for the SAGB. Originally developed by Mark Gray of the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) and James Wilson of Deepdock Ltd., this Welsh EFF proje…
Environmental contamination by pharmaceuticals is a public health concern: drugs administered to humans and animals are excreted with urine or faeces, writes Giorgio Smaldone et al, University of Naples, Italy.
This is the first of a series of three articles that focuses on biosecurity in aquaculture. Far from pretending to be guidelines, the aim of this article is to provide baseline information for the aquaculture community regarding the importance and complexity o…
Reformulating aqua diets to include non-traditional feed sources such as phytogenics have proven to be a worthwhile investment, writes Pedro Encarnao, PhD.
Over the past 50 years, the University of Guelph has gained an enviable reputation, nationally and internationally, for its innovative research programs in aquaculture nutrition and expertise in aquaculture feed formulation. The history of fish nutrition resea…
The White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and Penaeus stylirostris penstyldensovirus 1 (previously named Infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus-IHHNV) are two of the most important viral pathogens of penaeid shrimp. Carlos A G Leal, Federal Universi…
The use of plant-based proteins as alternatives to fishmeal raises the risk of mycotoxin exposure, with possible repercussions on the bottomline, writes Rui Gonalves, MSc & Paula Kovalsky, PhD.