Fall in Fish Catch Threatens Human Health People 11 July 2016 Christopher Golden and colleagues calculate that declining numbers of marine fish will spell more malnutrition in many developing nations.
Fishermen's Federation Outlines Opportunities Brexit Brings to UK's Fisheries Economics Politics 11 July 2016
Researchers Discover First Sleeper Goby Cavefish in Western Hemisphere Breeding & genetics Technology & equipment 11 July 2016
Toxicologist Finds Eel Fishing Ban is Well Justified Food safety & handling Politics Eels 8 July 2016
Industry Insights: Increased Production, Improved Animal Welfare Meet Global Needs Nutrition Welfare 6 July 2016
Seaweed Could Potentially Help Fight Food Allergies Food safety & handling Education & academia 6 July 2016
Norwegian Seafood Exports Worth NOK 42.6 billion in First Six Months of 2016 Economics Politics Salmonids 5 July 2016
Alaska Fish Factor: Will Brexit Harm Alaska's Seafood Exports? Economics Politics Salmonids 4 July 2016