Exotic species of fish have been introduced into different natural environments either to be reared for food or to meet other needs such as horticulture, fishing or hunting for many years and now maintaining the biodiversity of the different water systems of t…
Our nations inland waters and coasts provide a wide variety of seafood with diverse health benefits, writes Jeff Silverstein, USDA Agriculural Research Service.
It has been over 30 years since the first introductions of the American signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) into the U.K., which was originally brought into the country for aquaculture purposes, writes Paul Stebbing, Fish Health Inspectorate, Cefas Weym…
By Robin S. Waples, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, Richard W. Zabel,Fish Ecology Division, Mark D. Scheuerell, Fish Ecology Division, and Beth L. Sanderson, Environmental Conservation Division, Seattle. Published in Molecular Ecology January 2008…
By J.E. Rensel of Rensel Associates Aquatic Sciences and J.R.M.Forster of Forster Consulting. Prepared for NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, National Sea Grant College Programme, Occice of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, Washington DC. A study to quant…
By Jane Jordan, TheFishSiteEditor. A University of Calgary algal ecologist has discovered a disturbing relationship between Didymosphenia geminata(or Didymo for short) and dams. This novel algae has a preference for clear water and could be potentially damagin…
By LaDon Swann, Department of Animal Sciences, IIlinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program , Purdue University. Published by Aquanic. This is the second half of a two part feature. If you would like to view part 1 please go to the link provided at the bottom of the art…
This guide from LaDon Swann, IIlinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program, Purdue University, helps fish farmers better understand the properties of water and how water quality effects fish culture.
By Jane Jordan, TheFishSite Editor. With reports of a significant escape of farmed salmon in Scotland's West Loch, Roag, hitting the headlines recently, the debate about the potential damage that escaped farmed fish can do to wild stocks has returned with veng…
By Jane Jordan, TheFishSite Editor. If fish farms are operated correctly, then the waste produced can actually benefit and stimulate life on the sea bed. Underwater research by the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in Norway has shown that aquatic life on Fjo…
By Michael P. Masser, Auburn University and published by SRAC, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension. In the US the majority of cage culture is practiced in ponds or quarries.
By Philip Read, Aquaculture Extension Officer, Fish Conservation and Aquaculture, Port Stephens Research Centre. Published by New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Primefact 628.
By Jane Jordan, Editor, TheFishSite. In land-based aquaculture, fish species are grown and fed in ponds or tanks. The residual effluent is then released directly into the environment with little or no treatment. This effluent is rich in nutrients, which at inc…
By Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality - Chapter 7 of the Louisiana Crawfish Production Manual. Poor water quality that persists for days and weeks isdetrimental to crawfish production.
By Fiskeriforskning - Water quality can be a limiting factor in achieving optimal growth and welfare of farmedcod. Fiskeriforskning has set focus on how water quality can affect cod in the larval and fry stages.
By Ruth Francis-Floyd and Craig Watson, University of Florida - Ammonia is a major metabolic waste product from fish. It is excreted across the gill membranes and in the urine. The primary source of ammonia in aquaculture systems is fish feed.
In a new book, The Benefits of Fish Meal in Aquaculture Diets, RD Miles and FA Chapman, from the University of Florida, explain the value of fishmeal in feeds for fish and shrimp.
Tilapia is native to Africa and the Middle East. A decade ago, few people knew much about tilapia. Today, it has emerged to become the second biggest aquatic species group after the carp group, with a worldwide harvest of over 2 million metric tons (MT), about…
By Craig Tucker, Mississippi State University and published by the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service - Fish, like all animals, must obtain oxygen from the environment for respiration. Oxygen is far less available…
By Fiskeriforskning - Statkraft is focusing on tidal power and is planning a floating plant in Kvalsundet Strait outside Troms. Can such a power plant affect fish farms and the local fish population?
By Sintef - Land-based aquaculture systems release water with high values of nutrients. Marine algae use most of these to produce biomass. This principle can be used to clean the water using chosen arts of algae and macro-algea in the effluent.
By John A. Hargreaves and Craig S. Tucker, Mississippi State University and published by the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service - Dissolved oxygen concentration(DO) is considered the most important water quality v…
Louis A. Helfrich, Extension Specialist; Jim Parkhurst, Extension Specialist; and Richard Neves, Extension Specialist; Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Tech - At times landowners may be confronted with serious water losses resulting from…
Given the nutritional value and profile (comparability of amino
acids, EFA, and micronutrients) of maggot meal (MM), this study, by Emilie Devic et al, University of Stirling, evaluates strategies for the substitution of fish meal (FM) by MM, different method…
The majority of global fish stocks lack adequate data to evaluate stock status using conventional stock assessment methods. This poses a challenge for the sustainable management of these stocks, writes Thomas R. Carruthers et al, University of British Columbia…
The advent of new legislation in Scotland to protect the marine environment is compelling fish farmers and marine specialists to adopt measures to prevent biofouling and the introduction of non-native species into Scottish waters.
The FAO paper from the 14th session of the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade reviews the role fish plays in human nutrition and looks at the impact fish trade might have on food security and nutrition. Fish is recognized as an excellent source of protein but also pl…
NORWAY - A previously un-described granulomatous disease in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L) related to the presence of a Gram-negative, facultative intracellular bacterium belonging to the genus Francisella has been identified.
Positioning of sea cages at sites with high water current velocities expose the fish to a largely unknown environmental challenge. In this study David Johansson et al, Institute of Marine Research, Norway, observed the swimming behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Sa…
TEXAS - The Gulf Marine Institute of Technology (GMIT), an IRS approved non-profit research institute, has been trying to initiate aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico since 1995 and has been involved in a "duel with the titans" to convince current Lt. Governor a…
New findings published by researchers at the New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering are helping to unravel the complex interplay between alcohol and social behavior and may lead to new therapies for mitigating the negative impacts of alcohol use…
Omer M. Yousif, Kumar K.M. Krishnankutty and Abdul Fatah Ali, Aquaculture and Marine Studies Center, Abu Al Abyad Island, Department of the President's Affairs, looked at the reproductive performance, growth and survival of wild and pond-reared giant tiger shr…
One of the most difficult problems in Atlantic salmon aquaculture has been to control sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus in the Northern Hemisphere and Caligus rogercresseyi in Chile), which may cause serious harm to aquaculture reared fis…
This article presents a brief summary of Chile's fisheries and aquaculture sectors. It also addresses the main institutions and guilds since the time when there were no regulations until now, where overfishing has lead to the need for regulations through close…
This report from the United Nations conference on trade and development looks at trade, value addition and social inclusiveness in the Gambian fisheries sector, with a focus on women.
This report by Future of Fish (FoF) represents the first stage of an approach solving complex systemic problems in aquaculture. The insights gleaned through this research and analysis will allow FoF to recruit and convene a working group of entrepreneurs, exis…
Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide drive accompanying changes in the marine carbonate system as carbon dioxide enters seawater and alters ocean pH. As such changes do not occur in isolation, and other environmental factors have the potential to modulate t…
Low oxygen zones in coastal and open ocean ecosystems have expanded in recent decades, a trend that will accelerate with climatic warming. Christopher J. Gobler et al, Stony Brook University, US, experimentally assessed the consequences of hypoxic and acidifie…
By adjusting water discharges in ways designed to boost salmon productivity, officials at a dam in central Washington were able to more than triple the numbers of juvenile salmon downstream of the dam over a 30-year period, according to a study published in th…