Global production from aquaculture has grown substantially, contributing increasingly significant quantities to the worlds supply of fish for human consumption, says a report from the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. This increasing tre…
In May this year Australia's abalone farmers took an international lead role in developing environmental sustainability practices among the rapidly expanding global aquaculture industries, writes Dr Ann Fleming, Chair, Australian Abalone Growers Association.
Increasing consumer awareness to unsustainable aquaculture practices have made the prospect of organic aquaculture both environmentally and economically fruitful, but strict standards make this goal difficult to achieve. As the US considers by-passing this obs…
As well asbeing a farm thatproduces fish forfood, Aranyponty- in Magyar, theGolden Carp -communicatesthe importance ofmanaging Europeswetland heritageto society, bydiverse social andeducational activities, says a report in the CONSENSUS brochure: 'Towards Sust…
By Dr. Bronson K. Strickland, Assistant Extension Professor; Dr. Richard M. Kaminski, Professor; Dr. Aaron T. Pearse, MSU alumnus and now Wildlife Research Biologist and Dr. W. Daryl Jones, Assistant Extension Professor. Published by the Mississippi State Univ…
This is an extract of a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report to the Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives. It discusses why multiple administrative and environmental issues need to be addressed in establishing …
By Christian Lckstdt, ADDCON Nordic AS. It is a well established fact in the field of aquaculture, that the use of antibiotic growth promoters as an in-feed additive for the diets of fish and shrimp may promote growth and feed conversion as well as improve sur…
By Saravanan, S., and Biju Sam Kamalam, J. - PG Scholars at CIFE, Mumbai - and and also John Stephen Sampath Kumar, Associate Professor, FC & RI, Tuticorin, India. Published in Shellfish News 25 Spring Summer 2008.
By Kenneth D Black and Averil M. Wilson from the Scottish Association for Marine Science, Oban, Scotland, published in Shellfish News 25 Spring Summer 2008.
The report is a project of the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) and The Ocean Foundation (TOF). Funding was provided bygrants from the Munson Foundation, the Keith Campbell Foundation for the Environment, and an anonymous donor. Theauthors of this report incl…