By Akvaforsk - Solveig van Nes of AKVAFORSK has found one of the key factors that influences the sexual development of halibut larvae. Since females grow significantly larger than males, farmers can now direct their production toward fewer males and higher pro…
By C. Greg Lutz, Extension Aquaculture Specialist, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center - A review of aquaculture industry publications over the past decade might suggest that much of the expansion in global production has been attributable to high-p…
For more than two decades, fish farms in the Bet Shean Valley of Israel have cultured a local stock of tilapia derived from hybridizing blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) and Nile tilapia (O. niloticus), write Reuven Godel, Reshafim Fish Farm, Amitay Geva, Mini…
This is a review by Hans Komen, Wageningen University, Netherlands and Trinh Quoc Trong, Research Institute for Aquaculture, Viet Nam, of the current developmental state of Nile tilapia selective breeding programs, most of which have focused mainly on growth r…
Tilapia is globally recognized as one of the most important aquaculture species of the 21st century. Tilapia culture has expanded rapidly in a wide range of farming environments from extensive to intensive in both fresh and brackish water in Asia including Ban…
A plentiful supply of yellow perch was once available in the US Great Lakes region, but that changed in the 1990s. Populations of this Midwest fish-fry favorite dropped dramatically due to the invasion of the zebra mussel, overfishing, and other factors.
TEXAS - The Gulf Marine Institute of Technology (GMIT), an IRS approved non-profit research institute, has been trying to initiate aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico since 1995 and has been involved in a "duel with the titans" to convince current Lt. Governor a…
Positioning of sea cages at sites with high water current velocities expose the fish to a largely unknown environmental challenge. In this study David Johansson et al, Institute of Marine Research, Norway, observed the swimming behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Sa…
New findings published by researchers at the New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering are helping to unravel the complex interplay between alcohol and social behavior and may lead to new therapies for mitigating the negative impacts of alcohol use…
Discussion of the current shrimp disease crisis focuses on the microbiology of pathogens and the regulations needed to limit their spread locally and across national boundaries (FAO 2008; Jones 2012; Lightner 2012; Reantaso 2012). In this study I …
By adjusting water discharges in ways designed to boost salmon productivity, officials at a dam in central Washington were able to more than triple the numbers of juvenile salmon downstream of the dam over a 30-year period, according to a study published in th…
The anthropogenic increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration is a major environmental concern. One alarming consequence is a rapid change in seawater chemistry and decrease of ocean pH (Solomon et al. 2007; Doney et al. 2009), which could have larg…
Worldwide harvest of farmed tilapia has now surpassed 800,000 metric tons, and tilapia are second only to carps as the most widely farmed freshwater fish in the world, reveal Thomas Popma, from Auburn University and Michael Masser from Texas A&M University…
A genetic linkage map has been constructed for Atlantic halibut on the basis of 258 microsatellites and 346 AFLPs. Twenty-four linkage groups were identified, consistent with the 24 chromosomes seen in chromosome spreads. The total map distance is 1562.2 cM in…
By The Malta Centre for Fisheries Sciences - The Malta Centre for Fisheries Sciences (MCFS) successfully obtained fertilised eggs from amberjack (accjol) broodstock reared in captivity. The broodstock is the property of Malta Fish Farming Ltd who supported and…
This article looks at the life history and habitat characteristics of the Atlantic halibut. By Luca M. Cargnelli, Sara J. Griesbach, and Wallace W. Morse, National Marine Fisheries Service.
By Merrill Leffler, published by Maryland Sea Grant, University of Maryland - Striped bass aquaculture, while growing, is still only a tiny portion of the U.S. seafood economy. Limiting that growth is an inability to spawn the fish year round as is done with o…