MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are an abundant class of endogenous small RNA molecules that downregulate gene expression at the posttranscriptional level. This study by Rune Andreassen, Oslo and Akershus University, et al, aims to identify and characterize miRNA genes in …
The ability of species and populations to adapt to environmental change is the cornerstone of the emerging field of ecological genomics. Until recently, genome-wide studies of genetic adaptation in non-model organisms were not possible. Steve Smith, Flinders U…
Aquaculture is the fastest growing food production system worldwide and is particularly important in bridging the gap between fish demand and supply in Nigeria. This study was carried out by F.O.A George et al, University of Agriculture, Nigeria, to determine …
Comparative genomics is a powerful tool to transfer genomic information from model species to related nonmodel species. Yu Zhang et al, Auburn University, chose catfish linkage group 8, which was found to contain microsatellite markers associated with the tole…
Terrestrial livestock are so different that they often have nicknames, but thousands of farmed fish look so similar that many are surprised to learn that biologists claim that fish may have different personalities too. Scientists at Nofima have studied the ind…
With little genetic information available on Catla carp, T.K.Mohapatra et, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, have carried out a study to evaluate the genetic variation and phylogenetic relationship among the two different stocks of Catla c…
Frank A. Chapman and Joel P. Van Eenennaam, in this University of Florida Publication, describe the standard method and tools for determining the sex of sturgeon by direct examination of the gonad using a minimally invasive surgical procedure.
Proper management of broodstock nutrition encompasses providing the right amounts of the proper specialised nutrients during the right developmental stages, writes Scott Snyder, Animal Nutritionist, and Thomas R. Zeigler, Senior Technical Advisor, Zeigler Bros…
For a variety of reasons, many humans choose to adopt children. More surprisingly, adoption is fairly widespread in the animal kingdom, even though it would seem to counteract the basic premise of Darwins theory of evolution, which suggests that animals should…