With the accreditation of their hatchery, Futaklettur, Hiddenfjord- a family-owned and 100 percent Faroese salmon farming company - has completed the final step to all their facilities achieving Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification. The company, which also sources its aquafeeds from BAP-certified mills, now has the maximum four-star BAP star designation.
The Best Aquaculture Practices accreditation is a certification programme developed by the Global Seafood Alliance which aims to advance environmentally and socially responsible seafood practices through education, advocacy and third-party assurances.
“In our interactions with business partners, the BAP accreditation emerges as a marker of excellence, epitomising our dedication to premium salmon production,” said Óli Hansen, sales director at Hiddenfjord, in a press release announcing the certification.
“Attaining our fourth star is not merely an accomplishment but a testament to our relentless pursuit of premium quality and sustainability. We look forward to sharing its implications with our customers, ensuring they benefit from our commitment to sustainable salmon farming,” he added.
Hiddenfjord aims to produce high-quality Atlantic salmon products, including fresh whole salmon, fresh salmon fillets, and frozen salmon heads, backbones and offcuts, all without using antibiotics or hormones in their production process.
“It’s been an impressive journey for Hiddenfjord to certify their whole production chain,” said Iain Shone, director of European market development at the Global Seafood Alliance.
“They committed to four-star from the outset, put a huge amount of work into this project and I know the whole team is really proud of their achievement. Well done!” he concluded.