The Food and Drug Administration found a positive sample of the fungiside Crystal Violet inside a container carrying a total of 17,987 kilos of frozen salmon to the US.
In its notification, the FDA reported that one of the 12 samples tested positive for Crystal Violet.
Through traceability, Sernapesca has established that the product came from the cages 101, 106, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208 and 201 in Apiao Center, located in Apiao Island, Chiloé, and owned by Marine Harvest, which is currently without operations.
It was also determined that the salmon was processed at the Antarctic Sea Fisheries (Puerto Montt) which was inspected in early July, as part of the monthly audits which are made subject to the Quality Assurance Programme (CAP).
Currently the container, held by Marine Harvest, is forbidden to be mobilised and marketed.
The National Fisheries and Aquaculture department is performing inspections to determine whether or not Crystal Violet was used in the production process.
Finally, Sernapesca reported that, according to the provisions of Article 118 of the General Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture, if a company is found using banned drugs or chemicals for aquaculture, an entity may pursue fines between 500-3000 UTM.