Access to quality data analysis has proved a huge help to a range of players across the salmon industry but, given the volatile and fragmentary nature of the shrimp sector, forecasting shrimp harvests has always been seen as being notoriously difficult.
Sharing practical tips for small-scale aquaculture operators, particularly those based in the tropics, to adapt and become more resilient to the changing climate and extreme weather events.
Innovo, which grows algae in bioreactors fed by fossil fuel emissions, believes that buy-in from the aquafeed sector can help them scale up their concept, while they - in turn - can help improve the sustainability of aquaculture, by reducing its reliance on wi…
Uniting industry stakeholders from across Indonesia, Shrimp Outlook 2024 held discussions of the country’s shrimp production performance, as well as next steps for improving future productivity.
Investing in the right genetics tools and strategies can help shrimp farming companies succeed, despite the current economic challenges, according to The Center for Aquatic Technologies (CAT).
Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is proud to have supported a recent initiative that aims to empower female entrepreneurs who are working in aquaculture and wider blue economy across Latin America.