Research by A. M. Abdelhamid and Ahmed Ismail Mehrim, Al-Mansoura University and I.A.Radwan and A.F.Abdelhamid, Al-Hamoul Fish Hatchery looks at the possibility of reducing cannibalism among newly hatched catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fry by grading.
Two genetically improved tilapia strains (GIFT and Akosombo) have been created with Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia), which is native to Africa. In particular, GIFT has been shown to be significantly superior to local African tilapia strains in terms of gr…
Naturally occurring coinfections of pathogens have been reported in salmonids, but their consequences on disease resistance are unclear. Jos A. Gallardo et al, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Valparaso, Chile, hypothesized that coinfection of Caligus rogercr…
This study by Ahmed Mohamed Nasr-Allah et al, WorldFish, Egypt, was carried out in order to understand the technical and economic characteristics of different Egyptian Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) hatchery systems.
White spot syndrome, caused by the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), is the most serious viral disease in penaeid shrimps causing 100 per cent mortality post infection. In the last two decades outbreaks of this virus in commercial shrimp aquaculture farms have…