Nonnative species that form novel habitats strongly affect ecosystem processes. The effects of these ecosystem engineers can be both positive and negative but the mechanisms behind their effects are not well described. In this study Jeffrey T. Wright et al, Un…
Researchers report that some stickleback fish fathers can have long-term effects on the behavior of their offspring. The most attentive fish dads cause their offspring to behave in a way that makes them less susceptible to predators. These behavioral changes a…
The net movement of individuals from marine reserves to the remaining fishing grounds is known as spillover and is frequently used to promote reserves to fishers on the grounds that it will benefit fisheries. Here Colin D. Buxton et al, University of Tasmania,…
AQUAPLAN 20142019 is Australias third national strategic plan for aquatic animal health. It outlines the priorities to strengthen Australias arrangements for managing aquatic animal health, and to support sustainability, productivity, and market accessand ulti…