Nestlé Purina utilises a variety of fish and seafood items, sourced from around the world and is the first GSSI partner from the petfood industry to join the global partnership network.
A high proportion of the seafood ingredients in Purina’s products are seafood sidestreams - those parts of the fish remaining after fillet removal. Despite this, the company believes that it can further expand its use of responsibly managed and sourced seafood and has set a goal for the ingredients in its products to be 100 percent responsibly sourced by 2030.
As Richard Draves, the company’s sustainable sourcing specialist, reflected in a press release: "Nestlé Purina's intention in entering this partnership is multifold: we seek to collaborate to promote best practices in the complicated world of seafood; we seek to encourage other certification schemes to raise their own standards to gain recognition by GSSI; we seek to motivate fishing activities to adopt best practices and embrace responsible sourcing practices that align with Nestle Purina's long-term sustainability goals."
“We believe GSSI and the global partnership are well positioned to support us on our 2030 sustainability journey," he added.