This checklist was developed by an industry working group in Thailand to make the language and practices required by GLOBALG.A.P. easier to implement and understand, while maintaining the high quality that GLOBALG.A.P. is known throughout the world.
We are proud to have the commitment of industry and academia in Thailand serving the sector and aligning our global set of requirements to meet national legislation and accepted processes. All Thai farms can now begin to implement a global standard, that is already embedded in their culture and working practices! said Kristian Moeller, Secretary GLOBALG.A.P.
A National Interpretation Guideline (NIG) is a document, providing guidance on the implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. Control Points and Compliance Criteria at a national level.
The NIG Aquaculture Thailand was developed by the National Technical Working Group Aquaculture Thailand and went through a transparent five step approval procedure, including a four week Peer Review with relevant stakeholders.
By 5 December, 2012, i.e. within three months after approval, the National Interpretation Guideline Thailand becomes obligatory and a normative GLOBALG.A.P. document. All Certification Bodies that are working in Thailand have to include this guideline in their certification procedures.
For more information on the NIG approval process, please see the
GLOBALG.A.P. Website.
GLOBALG.A.P. Customised Inspection Guideline for Aquaculture in Thailand
THAILAND - Thai aquaculture farms now have an easy-to-understand and practical checklist to meet global consumer demand for safe and sustainable products.
by Lucy Towers