The availability of quality seed is prerequisite for rapidexpansion and growth of aquaculture. However, uncertaintyin timely seed supply is one of the major constraints, says Mr Radheyshyam at the Aquaculture Production and Environment Division, Central Instit…
Researchers from the New South Wales (NSW), Australian Department of Industry and Investment look at the methods available for harvesting estuarien squid trawls.
The velvet crab fishery in Scottish waters is a relatively recent development; velvet crabs were once considered a pest species, and only taken in a small scale fishery for a few months in winter.
The brown crab fishery is economically a very important fishery for Scottish vessels with total landings in 2008 of around 9,000 tonnes and a value of 10 million.
2009 has been a busy year for the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO). Committed to achieving an average three to five per cent increase in production per year over the next five years, whilst safeguarding Scotland's marine environment as well as rea…
The fishery for Nephrops in Scottish waters has developed from a few tonnes in the early 1960s to over 32,000 tonnes in 2008, and Nephrops is currently the most valuable species landed in Scotland (95.5 million in 2008).