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Trader Joe Vows To Become Sustainable

Sustainability Post-harvest +2 more

US - Trader Joe, the US grocery store has said that all of it's seafood purchases will shift to sustainable sources by December 31, 2012.

This applies to all formats of seafood we offer: frozen, fresh, canned, etc.

In an announcement on the website, Trader Joe's has said that it intends to have a seafood policy that addresses customer concerns including the issues of over fishing, destructive catch or production methods, and the importance of marine reserves.

"We aim to use our purchasing power to leverage change within the seafood supply community" said a statement from the company.

"We support leaders within the industry who are making positive efforts to “get off the red list” (e.g. freshwater farmed salmon, closed-containment farmed shrimp)."

In addition to the mandatory Country of Origin and Wild/Farm-Raised information currently provided on the seafood labels, the company is in the process of enhancing our package labeling for all seafood items to include information on species’ Latin names, origin and catch or production method.

The company has previously stopped selling Chilean Sea Bass (2005), Orange Roughy (July 2009), and Red Snapper (March 2010) in support of their work to source sustainable seafood.

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