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Scottish Fishermen's Federation Focus on Fishing Vessel Safety

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SCOTLAND, UK - The Scottish Fishermens Federation (SFF) will explain to a top-level meeting on fishing safety in London today (30 April) the various safety initiatives already underway in the industry and seek support from all participants in the seafood industry in ensuring that the hazardous business of catching fish becomes less so.

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Tomorrow’s meeting in London is being hosted by Transport Minister Stephen Hammond and Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon; attendees will include the SFF, the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations, Seafish, the Marine Management Organisation, the Maritime & Coastguard Agency, and the Marine Accident Investigation Branch.

One of the initiatives the Federation will highlight at the meeting is its recently pioneered Onboard Support Scheme for safety, which is currently being rolled out in Scotland. The initiative developed for SFF members is designed to produce a friendly and usable safety management system for fishing vessels. The aim is to transform the regulatory requirement for risk assessment into a truly meaningful onboard exercise.

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