The project, which is run by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, The Scottish Salmon Company, Pure Energy Centre and Community Energy Scotland ensured OHLEH, was recognised as a great example of local collaboration – one that could act as a blueprint for national best practice, not just in the salmon farming industry but across many other sectors.

Donnie Macmillan, plant manager at Stornoway’s Creed Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF), commented:
“This award is a huge achievement for such a strong and determined partnership that underlines our belief in seeing this progressive plant continuously improve - minimising, maximising and optimising the methods of managing waste”.
He added: “We must acknowledge the very professional team at Landia, whose equipment now enables us to integrate a 7-cubic tonne batch per shift of waste salmon with household food waste and garden waste for our AD process. This makes a very positive environmental and economic impact by not sending the waste salmon to landfill or having it transported off the island.”