Effective seafood marketing strategies require new and fresh promotional materials to succeed, said Minister King. Our government is pleased to provide this funding to Beothic Fish Processors Limited to develop a new suite of marketing materials which will help the company compete more effectively in the global seafood marketplace.
Beothic Fish Processors Limited will develop specialised, high quality materials in order to better promote its seafood business and expand its product line. The company will create a professional corporate marketing brochure, a promotional DVD and will perform upgrades to its current website. Also, it will develop retractable banners with current product photos and company information. This initiative will ensure Beothic Fish Processors Limited can showcase itself effectively in customer meetings, during planned trade missions, and at seafood shows around the world.
Beothic Fish Processors Limited employs 400 full-time seasonal workers, and deals with over 700 fishing enterprises throughout the province, said Eli Cross, MHA for Bonavista North.
Any new markets, stabilisation of existing markets, or increases in price that may occur through enhanced marketing will benefit Beothic, and in turn, create stability for plant workers and the fish harvesters they work with. The funding will clearly add to the companys overall success.
The company was pleased to receive financial support for the initiative.
This new marketing effort will provide our company the opportunity to display our history, our product lines, and our attention to quality seafood production through new marketing materials, said Scott Boland, President of Beothic Fish Processors Limited. We are thankful for the provinces support and look forward to the launch of the new material in the coming months.
Budget 2012: People and Prosperity Responsible Investments for a Secure Future allocated C$2.2 million for the Fisheries Technology and New Opportunities Programme, as part of a three-year, C$6.6 million investment.
New Marketing Initiative Supported by Provincial Government
CANADA - Beothic Fish Processors Limited will develop new marketing materials with assistance from the Provincial Government. Darin King, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, announced C$17,880 in financial support for the project from the Fisheries Technology and New Opportunities Programme.
by Lucy Towers