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Irish Potential Lies in Organic Salmon Farms

Salmonids Marketing Economics +4 more

IRELAND - Irish organic salmon fetched a premium 40 per cent above the regular market price in 2008. Now the industry state organsiation Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) says there is scope for immediate expansion.

Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) recently issued its 2008 end-of-year review of the Irish seafood industry, which showed that sales of salmon emerged as the seafood sector’s star performer, says FishFarmingXpert. Sales increased by 13 per cent in 2008 to €58.7 million. Pre-packed sales of salmon were up a substantial 28.8 per cent on 2007.

However, according to FishFarmingXpert, similar to other sectors, Irish seafood companies face significant challenges in 2009. But BIM sees niche opportunities for growth especially in the export of organic salmon, and said there is immediate scope for expansion of the organic certified farmed salmon sector with the potential to create significant new jobs.

In 2007, Ireland produced 10,000 tonnes of farmed salmon of which some 70 per cent was certified organic and these fish fetched a price premium 40 per cent above the regular market price.

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