The three US federal agencies that function as Competent Authorities for exported aquatic animals (the
US Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service [USDA-APHIS]; the US
Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries
Service [NOAA Fisheries]; and the US Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Services [FWS]) have
worked with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) on specific export requirements that will
facilitate continued US trade in aquatic animals and products with Canada.
As of December 10, 2012, each shipment must be accompanied by an import permit issued from CFIA
and a health certificate from APHIS.
The regulated species and the diseases of concern are at the link below.
Two health certificates are nearly finalised and will be available in early November. Specific attestations
for these certificates are available on-line.
Additionally, APHIS is working closely with CFIA to establish zones of equal disease health status and
compartmentalisation (management) equivalence programmes to facilitate trade and provide alternative
means for US exporters to meet CFIA requirements. APHIS anticipates some of these options will be
available in 2013.
Enforcement of New Aquatic Animal Import Regulations to Begin in December
CANADA - Canada will begin enforcement of new aquatic animal import regulations as of 10 December, 2012.
by Lucy Towers