The money, from the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), was granted to 38 projects and will be used for a variety of developments within the fisheries sector.
More than 1.1 million was awarded under Axis 3 of the scheme which provides funding to benefit groups and collective actions. 500,000 was awarded to a national project set up by The Rivers Trust to achieve a sustainable eel fishery. This phased project consists of increasing the available area and improving passages for juvenile eels as well as increasing awareness on the issues of achieving sustainable eel fisheries. This includes training and education in schools and other stakeholder areas.
Over 354,000 was awarded towards improvements to ports and harbours in North Yorkshire and the North East of England, including 255,000 towards a new quay at Warkworth Harbour in Northumberland. This will make the quay more accessible to fishermen and buyers.
Over 880,000 has been awarded under Axis 2 of the scheme, which provides funding towards developments in fish processing and aquaculture. This benefited projects across the country. Around 652,000 was awarded to the South West of England for projects to increase processing capacity at seafood plants, including an award of 480,000 for the expansion of Falfish Ltd in Cornwall. The project will increase the factory size, freezing capacity and ice making capabilities of the plant. This will increase turnover and profit as well as creating 30 new jobs.
A total of 69,000 was awarded under Axis 1 of the scheme towards projects aiming to complete vessel engine replacements and improve onboard safety. This will ensure safer working conditions and reduce running costs meaning fishermen can improve their profitability.
Catherine Murphy, EFF England Programme Manager, said: "We are delighted that so many fishermen and organisations within the fisheries sector have been able to benefit from EFF grants. We are keen to ensure that this success continues as the current scheme ends next year and there are still EFF funds available. If anyone within the sector is thinking about a project I would urge them to contact us."
2M Boost for Fishing Industry from European Fisheries Fund
UK - Funding of more than 2 million has been awarded to the English fisheries sector so far in 2012.
by Lucy Towers