Mariculture of tropical sea cucumbers is promising, but the nursery rearing of juveniles is a bottleneck for farming and sea ranching. Steven W. Purcell and Natacha S. Agudo conducted four medium-scale experiments lasting 36 weeks, using thousands of cultured …
The economic importance of sandfish to poor rural Asian communitiestriggered a collaborative, multinational research effort to advance breedingand rearing techniques when fish numbers started to decline, writes Catherine Norwood, Australian Centre for Internat…
Large numbers of larvae of the sea cucumber (Australostichopus mollis) have settled in the intensive settlement system at the Ahumoana a Toi Aquaculture Centre, writes Andrew Morgan.
The island of Sulawesi, Indonesia, is recognized by the government of Indonesia as a major area for development of mariculture, reports La Ode M. Aslan, Hotman Hutauruk, Armen Zulham, Irwan Effendy, Mhummaed Atid, Michael Phillips, Lars Olsen, Brendan Larkin, …