Farmers, industry experts and other stakeholders in the shrimp aquaculture industry are encouraged to view and provide feedback on the standard, the aim of which is to improve the sustainability, environmental and social performance of regional shrimp farming, especially at the small-scale level, and receive recognition in key export markets.
The Committee opened a 60-day public comment period on August 10, 2014, in keeping with the guidelines of the international ISEAL Alliance process for setting environmental and social standards worldwide.
The draft standard complements existing good aquaculture practices at the national level and aims to align with internationally accepted environmental and social standards, including the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch® sustainability assessment criteria and the Aquaculture Stewardship Council standards.
The Steering Committee will use the public feedback received to revise the draft standard, which will then be piloted with farmers in several ASEAN countries. The steering committee plans to finalise the Shrimp Standard for the ASEAN Region by early 2015.
To review the draft shrimp standard and provide input, please download both (i) the Public Comment Feedback Form and (ii) the Draft Shrimp Standard for ASEAN, available here:
Please send all comments to no later than October 10, 2014.