The company has a 5,000-square-foot refrigerated processing plant in Coppell, Texas, USA, which is located in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The bulk of NTPs business is through the repacking of product, predominately shrimp, originating from BAP-certified farms and processing plants.
Among the companys capabilities are automatic and manual scales, overwrapping, size blending and vacuum packaging. NTP has full-time quality control, working with both raw and cooked product, with a daily capacity of 60,000 pounds.
The Global Aquaculture Alliance is proud to be associated with NTP, and we look forward to enhancing this relationship in the coming years said Peter Redmond, BAP vice president of development. The repacking/reprocessing operations are becoming an ever more important piece of the aquaculture supply chain. As such, certifying such an operation is key to the traceability of the product.
NTP added that involvement with the BAP program highlights its commitment to its customers and the products it handles. The company also has accreditations from other third-party certification programs for food safety and ethical work standards.
Texas-Based Packing Company Earns BAP Certification
US - North Texas Packing Inc. (NTP) is the latest repacking and reprocessing operation to earn Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification.
by Lucy Towers