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Shrimp Catches Grow 193 Per Cent In Sinaloa

Crustaceans Sustainability Economics +4 more

MEXICO - Conapesca, National Committee of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Mexico, informed that, up to date, shrimp catches exceeded the amount registered last year during the same period, according to arrival reports provided by small and big crafts.

According to Activity report about shrimp catch in season 2011-2012 in Sinaloa, Conapesca informed that 8,022 tons of shrimp from offshore and shoreline have been registered up to October. It means 5,283 tons higher than 2,739 tons captured along the same period of the season 2010-2011. It is 193 per cent higher.

This data forecast a good season in shrimp catches and specially, they ensure an important stock for domestic and international markets.

The report indicates 1,650 tons were caught in estuaries and bays in this season so far, compared to 1,714 tons along the same period last year.

Conapesca also highlighted that 537 shrimp crafts went to fish the first day of shrimp fishing season 2010-2011. On the other hand, 665 shrimp crafts did it the first day of the current season.