Basic Fishing Methods contains illustrations and descriptions of commonly used fishing methods, gears and rigs, providing basic knowledge of how fish are caught using this range of methods.
Focusing on wild-caught fish and shellfish, it covers trawling, nets, lines, pots and traps and is useful for anyone interested in how selective fishing gear works.
The publication deals mainly with UK fisheries with reference to other fisheries throughout the world that supply wild-caught fish and shellfish into the UK markets.
Mike Montgomerie, Gear Technologist at Seafish commented: "This is one of the most popular downloadable publications that we have within Seafish and I am happy that the copy and illustrations have been updated to show how fish are caught for today's market.
“As an industry used to a changing environment, fishing has adapted over the years in order to remain a sustainable industry and nowhere is this more evident than fishing gear.
"Hopefully Basic Fishing Methods will take out some of the mystery of how we catch fish today.”