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Seafish Launches Annual Economic Fleet Survey

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UK - Seafish is calling for participation in its annual economic survey of the UK fishing fleet.

Lucy Towers thumbnail

Between August and October 2012, the Seafish economics team will interview hundreds of skippers and vessel owners at ports around the UK to build an up-to-date picture of fleet performance.

Seafish aims to gather and analyse opinion from several hundred vessel owners to ensure the survey results accurately represent the financial performance of the UK fishing industry.

The results, which will be published in early 2013, will enable industry and policy makers to better understand the economic consequences of changes in regulatory measures and external shocks, such as decreases in Total Allowable Catch (TACs), closed areas and fuel price increases.

To ensure widespread accessibility, for the first time the survey will be available to complete online at

PaulWilliams, Chief Executive of Seafish said: "This is an important piece of work and allows Seafish to add real value to the fishing industry. Our team of Economists work extremely hard to compile this information which is used to better understand the industry as a whole and to inform key decision makers. We would encourage skippers and boat owners across the UK to speak to our surveyors or go online and complete the survey so that we can present the most accurate picture possible."

Bertie Armstrong, chief executive of the SFF said: "The SFF fully supports the Seafish Economics Fleet Survey as the more clarity that there is in the economics of the fishing industry, then the better placed we are for the implementation of appropriate management measures for our fisheries."

Barrie Deas, chief executive of the NFFO added: "The stronger the economic information available, the stronger our ability to make the industry's arguments to Government at national and EU level. That is why we at the NFFO consider this survey and vessel owners participation to be so important."

Four researchers will conduct the survey with vessel owners: Claire Tulloch; Faye Simpson; Jack Emmerson and Victoria McCready. The researchers will be tweeting regular updates as they work their way around the coast. Progress can be followed @seafishuk.

All survey information, including accounts, is treated as confidential and no individual vessel figures will be revealed in any report.

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