Following this direct feedback from industry, Seafish has made dynamic changes to its operations, appointing three panels, who will advise the Seafish Board on the work that the organisation takes over the next 12 months and beyond. Seafish has now announced the individuals who will sit on each of the panels as well as the incoming Chairs who will lead them.
The three panels; Import and Processors, Domestic and Export, Supply Chain and Consumer, consist of a Chair and appropriate industry members. Each panel is made up of nominees provided by representative organisations and individuals recruited by Seafish.
From now on, work programmes, projects and initiatives will be reviewed by these panels. This 'bottom up' process is a marked change and comes in response to calls from industry for greater transparency around the allocation of levy. Whilst the panels have met separately, there is considerable harmony between the three groups on key activities for Seafish to undertake.
Dr Paul Williams, Chief Executive of Seafish said: "Each sector panel has a range of skills and expertise that is representative of the UK seafood commercial fishing and sectors. We dedicated some considerable time to reviewing the applications for the panels, and in putting in place a sound structure that will allow us to deliver on our commitment to continue supporting the industry for a profitable and sustainable future. On behalf of Seafish, I welcome the panel chairs and members to the organisation, and look forward to working closely with them to achieve our key objectives."
Mike Mitchell, Technical and CSR Director, Youngs Seafood Ltd continued: "It is clear that Seafish has taken on board the comments from the industry and have restructured to bring about a more open, inclusive and collaborative approach to the future. The June panel meetings presented the first opportunity for industry to have a have an input to work plans at this early stage, and it was great to work with industry peers, roll our sleeves up and work together on shaping the work that Seafish will deliver. Seafish plays a key role in supporting the industry and there was a clear message last year that Seafish is needed but we need them to change - I am pleased to see that Seafish are clearly changing."
The next Sector Panel meetings are scheduled for mid-August, following a meeting of the panel Chairs in July.
Seafish Announces New Structure, Direction & Future Plans
UK - Seafish has announced that the first round of meetings of its new Board and Sector Panels has now been completed marking the official start of a new strategic phase for the organisation, after a discussion with industry at the end of last year.
by Lucy Towers