The licenses in group C were supposed to be development licenses, which would favor new technological solutions to ensure the sustainable growth of the aquaculture industry.
In particular, to reduce the risk of escapes and the spread of lice.
The new plant technology is developed by international experts, tested by MARINTEK and quality assured by Veritas. It is a semi-submersible construction that unites the best of the aquaculture industry and the oil and gas industry.
The new design provides far better security than current systems to prevent escapes and improved operational solutions in dealing with lice.
It can be placed farther offshore in more exposed areas. It is particularly well suited to ensure sustainable growth of the aquaculture industry.
SalMar believe themselves entitled to green permits based on the purpose of the licensing, which is to reduce environmental challenges by creating new technological solutions.
The expert group has instead spread all licenses to applicants based on closed systems in the areas of production, but much of its production still takes place in open sea sites with traditional equipment, and so does not represent anything new in the farming context.
SalMar believes it is wrong and contrary to the regulations to provide all licenses at once and to the same concept, thus completely excluding the offshore solution with its great potential.