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Recovery Plan for Californias Central Valley

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US - NOAAs Fisheries Service is calling for public input on a draft recovery plan designed to restore and stabilise salmon and steelhead species in Californias Central Valley listed under the Endangered Species Act.

This draft plan, published in the Federal Register, addresses recovery efforts for endangered Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon, threatened Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon and threatened Central Valley steelhead.

“This draft plan provides the framework necessary to recover salmon and steelhead listed under the Endangered Species Act in the Central Valley,” said Maria Rea, Sacramento office supervisor for NOAA’s Fisheries Service. “With the public’s input, it will also provide significant improvement for other non-listed salmonid species like the commercially valuable fallrun Chinook.”

The ESA requires the development of a recovery plan for the successful rebuilding of species identified as being at risk of extinction.

Local knowledge and input from the public on the unique needs of these fish is extremely valuable, to ensure the plan is comprehensive and promotes stakeholder involvement. The plan has already received substantial input from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game, and their expertise will continue to be tapped as the plan undergoes public review.

NOAA’s Fisheries Service plans to conduct workshops in Chico and Sacramento to provide the public with an opportunity to learn more about the contents of the draft recovery plan and offer any feedback or comments. NOAA’s Fisheries Service biologists will explain the steps necessary to recover Sacramento River winter-run Chinook, Central Valley spring-run Chinook and Central Valley steelhead, so that they may ultimately be removed from the Endangered Species List.

Workshops will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and again from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the locations and dates listed below:

Tues., Oct. 20 - Masonic Center, 1110 W East Avenue, Chico Wed., Oct. 21 - Hilton, 2200 Harvard Street, Sacramento

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