"The high price of salmon will continue into 2014 and adds value to exports. In addition, the increase in exports of frozen cod to China and fresh cod to the EU have made it a very strong month for seafood exports," said Egil Ove Sundheim, director of market information to the Norwegian Seafood Council.
Salmon Growth
Salmon exports were 3.7 billion in January. This is an increase of NOK 997 million or 37 per cent compared to January last year. The price for fresh whole salmon increased from 34.66 million to 48.89 dollars per kilogram. The volume is at the same level as in 2013 for all uses of salmon of approx 75,000 tonnes. France, Poland and Russia are the biggest importers of salmon from Norway.
Trout Stable
Trout exports in January ended on the same level as in 2013 with an export value of 205 million. Russia is the largest market for trout in January.
Stable Export of Herring, Mackerel Growth
Exports of herring totaled 395 million which is the same level as last year. Russia and Lithuania are the main markets for herring in January.
Mackerel exports increased by 85 million, or 48 per cent, in January to a total of 263 million. China is the largest recipient of mackerel with a value of 59 million.
Klipfish Down
Exports of dried cod fell by 116 million or 28 per cent in January to a total of 298 million. Brazil is the largest market in January with a value of 150 million.
Stable Salted Fish Exports
Exports of salted fish are on the same level as in January last year with a total export value of 34 million. Portugal remains the biggest market for salted fish with a total value of NOK 16 million in January. Exports to the second largest market, Greece, rose in January with for 2.5 million to a total of 7 million.
Growth for Fresh and Frozen Cod
Exports of fresh cod increased by 107 million, or 86 per cent, to a total of 230 million. With an export value of 225 million, the EU is the dominant market for fresh cod from Norway. For frozen cod, there was an increase of NOK 137 million, or 88 per cent, to a total of 292 million. The EU is the largest recipient of also frozen cod with a value of NOK 152 million.