Judge Susan Oki Mollway released her decision last week, clarifying and affirming NOAAs authority to grant a permit for aquaculture under the existing Magnuson-Stevens fishing legislation, reports
The judgment stated that for any permit request, NMFS will have to look at the specific activities proposed and determine whether those actions involve the catching, taking, or harvesting of fish. If the permit involves these actions, the ruling declared that such activity is governed by existing legislation.
The original NOAA permit allowed the experimental Velella Project to proceed, where a single, small submersible pen was stocked with 2,000 fish native to Hawaiian waters. The pen then drifted in the ocean eddies in federal waters west of the Big Island, from 3 to 75 miles offshore, in waters up to 12,000 feet deep. The fish were fed a sustainable diet that replaced some fishmeal and fish oil content with soy and other agricultural proteins, and there was no measurable impact on the ocean ecosystem. The research project was successfully concluded in February, 2012, and the company involved Kampachi Farms, LLC is seeking further permits to continue with additional trials.
The results from this Velella beta-test were of great value to us, and to environmentalists and seafood lovers everywhere said Ocean Stewards president and Kampachi Farms co-CEO Neil Anthony Sims. We should continue to move forward with developing responsible, sustainable sources of great-tasting, healthful fish. The worlds appetite for seafood grows, and we cannot increase our pressure on wild fish stocks. We need to find sustainable solutions. Thats what this research was exploring.
NOAA had conducted an Environmental Assessment of the project proposal, and found there was no potential for any significant impact. The lawsuit had also claimed an Environmental Impact Statement was required, but as the research had been completed and the plaintiffs identified no actual harm resulting from the [Kampachi Farms] project, Ms Mollway concluded the claim was moot.
Mr Sims questioned the reasoning behind the original law suit. Why would you waste taxpayers money dragging NOAA into court to try to make them stop giving out research permits? Should we stop all research in the ocean? Should such research be unregulated? Or should we stop eating fish altogether? The extremist groups behind this lawsuit are not environmentalists they are obstructionists. They are hindering responsible research towards sustainable solutions.
Mr Sims said Ocean Stewards values its close working relationships with leading environmental organisations that are truly addressing the issue of a sustainable seafood supply.
Ocean Stewards Applaud Aquaculture Ruling
US - The Ocean Stewards Institute has applauded a decision by a Federal judge to grant summary judgment to NOAA in a lawsuit over a permit issued for aquaculture research in the open ocean.
by Lucy Towers