Mr Ebiusi is a lawyer and part-time commercial fisherman. He has also served as the
president of the Pacific Ocean Research Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to
research and knowledge of Pacific game fish.
The councils were established by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act to prepare fishery management plans for marine fish stocks in their regions.
NOAAs Fisheries Service works closely with the councils as plans are developed, and then
reviews, approves, and implements the fishery management plans.
Council members represent diverse groups, including commercial and recreational
fishing industries, environmental interests and academia, and carry out the acts requirements to
end overfishing, rebuild fish stocks, and manage them sustainably.
Each year, approximately
one-third of the total 72 appointed members to the eight regional councils are appointed by the
Secretary of Commerce. NOAAs Fisheries Service selects members from nominations
submitted by the governors of fishing states, territories and tribal governments and oversees the
annual appointment process.
Council members are appointed to both obligatory seats, which are specific to a state,
and at-large seats, which can be filled by a person from any of the states in the councils region.
Council members may be reappointed to serve three consecutive three-year terms.
NOAA Appointment to Western Pacific Fishery Management Council
US - The Commerce Department has announced the appointment of Edwin Ebisui Jr. of Hawaii to the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council. Under this appointment, Ebisui will serve on the council until 10 August, 2014.
by Lucy Towers