A new assessment indicates the golden tilefish stock is healthy and annual catch limits can be increased. The rule sets the annual catch limit at 541,295 pounds gutted weight for the commercial sector, and 3,019 fish for the recreational sector.
Commercial harvest of golden tilefish will re-open on 9 October, 2012, and will close if the annual catch limit of 541,295 pounds gutted weight is met or projected to be met before 31 December, 2012. The commercial trip limit will be 300 pounds gutted weight. The recreational season will not re-open in fishing year 2012 because the annual catch limit was met earlier in the year.
The final rule modifies the accountability measures for the golden tilefish recreational sector. The recreational sector would close when the annual catch limit is projected to be met, and recreational landings would be monitored in the year following an overage. If high landings persist, the fishing season would be shortened as necessary.More information, including Frequently Asked Questions, can be found online at: http://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov.
New Regulations for Golden Tilefish in the South Atlantic
US - NOAA Fisheries will publish a final rule on 9 October, 2012, which increases annual catch limits and modifies recreational accountability measures for golden tilefish in the South Atlantic.
by Lucy Towers