Some $25 million has been set aside in the 2012/13 Estimates of Expenditure for this initiative under the Improving Jamaicas Agricultural Productivity (Marine) Project in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
The funds will also be used for the installation of an artificial reef at Discovery Bay; the completion of training and capacity building interventions at six beaches; monitoring of artificial reefs and lobster condominium; distribution of technology packages; and maintenance and monitoring of rehabilitated beach infrastructure.
An additional sum of $4.1 million has been allocated for the development of offshore fishing. The aim is to develop and manage the fishing industry through the promotion and implementation of sustainable fishing management practices.
A further $3.1 million has been provided for the Development of the Inland Fishing project, which is concerned with aquaculture training for fish farmers and staff at the Aquaculture Unit; conducting experiments into growth and nutrition of tilapia; and conducting research into the propagation and production of ornamental fish.
Also, in keeping with the objective of improving the agricultural sector, the CARICOM Fisheries Resource Assessment and Management Programme, has also received an allocation of $3 million in the Estimates.
The primary objective of the project is to promote the management and conservation of the fishery resources of the CARICOM/Caribbean region and to permit the exploitation of these on the basis of sustainable yield.
The project will enhance the basic information gathering and institutional capacity necessary to manage and develop fishery resources in the CARICOM region.
Lobster Shelters to be Installed to Boost Fishery
JAMAICA - A minimum of 30 lobster condominiums are to be installed during this financial year as the Government works to improve the productivity of the fisheries sector.
by Lucy Towers