According to the Kodiak Daily Mirror, the planning team is comprised of three representatives from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and three representatives from the Kodiak Regional Aquaculture Association (KRAA). In addition to the six voting members, the team has a non-voting chairman and several ex-officio members, reports the local news organisation. Lorne White, retired ADF&G fishery biologist, has been contracted to write the new plan.
Kodiak’s first salmon plan was approved in 1984. That plan, with revisions in 1987 and 1992, applied to the years 1982 through 2002.
The plan set salmon harvest goals for both natural and supplemental (enhanced) runs and prioritized rehabilitation and enhancement projects for the Kodiak management area.
Kodiak Daily Mirror says that the harvest objectives set goals for each salmon species. The harvest goals in the initial plan were met, and the 1992 Phase II revision established higher goals. Since 1992, natural harvest of sockeye and even year pink salmon were on target. Chinook, coho and odd-year pink salmon were above expected harvest, while chum salmon were below target.
Kodiak Drafts New Plan for Salmon Management
ALASKA, US - A regional planning team in Kodiak is working to draft a comprehensive salmon plan that will guide future decision makers to maintain harvest goals and natural salmon production whilst rehabilitating stocks.