Blue growth and creating sustainable jobs are at the heart of the Atlantic Action Plan, which will focus on harnessing the enormous untapped economic potential of Atlantic coasts, seas and oceans. Ocean energies, seabed mining, marine biotechnology and other emerging sectors, as well as a revitalization of traditional activities such as fisheries, aquaculture and tourism, driven by research, technology and innovation can contribute to the development of a Blue Economy in Europe that can provide jobs and spur economic growth. New advances in science and technology place us in a unique position to benefit from the sea's economic potential in a sustainable manner.
Implementation of the Atlantic Action Plan may be co-funded through a variety of Member State and EU funds (e.g. Cohesion Funds, INTERREG-V, EMFF, Horizon 2020, etc.) as well as via the European Investment Bank and Public-Private Partnerships.
The Cork Workshop will be opened on Monday 4 March by Minister Simon Coveney, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, and Lowri Evans, EU Director General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE).
Day 1 (4 March) will include parallel sessions to address the (a) Research and Innovation and (b) Atlantic Ports components of the Atlantic Action Plan. Day 2 (5 March) will provide an overview of the Atlantic Action Plan including priorities, funding and implementation. Speakers will include DG MARE, REGIO, RTD, MOVE, European Investment Bank, European Parliament, Committee of the Regions, Economic and Social Committee as well as Member State and Regional representatives.
The Atlantic Action Plan aims to create sustainable jobs and growth by bringing together the five EU countries with an Atlantic coastline (France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom), as well as regional and local authorities, business and other stakeholders to identify key investment and research priorities, as well as concrete co-funded project ideas.