With its Sustainable Aquaculture Programme, the Government of Canada is creating the conditions, with science as the foundation, that will enable the Canadian aquaculture industry to be successful while operating in an ecologically sustainable manner.
Under the renewed programme, up to C$27 million is being directed to further our scientific knowledge through research, operational analyses, risk assessment and scientific peer-reviewed advice. The two other pillars of this programme are regulatory reform and improved reporting.
“Aquaculture is the fastest growing food production sector worldwide and creates much needed jobs in rural areas and Aboriginal communities. Our Government’s investment of C$54 million will help address the sector’s challenges to growth by reducing red tape, improving regulatory management and transparency; as well as increasing scientific knowledge and supporting science-based decision-making,” said Minister Shea.
“Through the renewal of the Sustainable Aquaculture Programme and together with its partners, the Government of Canada continues its commitment to a sustainable and prosperous Canadian aquaculture sector,” said Minister Shea.