The GLOBALG.A.P. Board outlined how the organisation was transforming by acknowledging its role as more than just a certification scheme and providing new solutions to adapt to changes in global markets.
GLOBALG.A.P. introduced its new programs such as localg.a.p. for emerging producers as well as new add-on assessments in its GLOBALG.A.P.+ Add-On program that address specific concerns of more mature markets.
Thousands of producers are joining the G.A.P. Upgrade worldwide with GLOBALG.A.P. supporting their efforts through the localg.a.p. programme and the GLOBALG.A.P. Farm Assurers: a global network of highly professional agricultural advisors who assist producers in implementing quality management systems and so get them on the road to safe and sustainable agriculture and into new markets.
GLOBALG.A.P. also announced the winners of the first-ever G.A.P. Awards 2012.
Nigel Garbutt, Chairman GLOBALG.A.P. said: The standard of all the applicants has been outstanding and each are highly innovative. Not only do they all show a huge commitment to GLOBALG.A.P. Certification to improve their production techniques but how they link this to advance their sales and marketing.
The winners were:
From Belgium: VBT Responsibly Fresh
From Japan: Farm Alliance Matsumoto Farm Co. Ltd
From Kenya: Kakuzi Limited
From Uruguay: MILAGRO S.A.
GLOBALG.A.P. Summit 2012 Makes Major Milestones In Supporting Global Trade
GLOBAL - At the 11th GLOBALG.A.P. SUMMIT, which opened in Madrid, 400 participants from 50 countries heard from major retailers and producers how the globalisation of food retailing marches on at a pace that continues to bring valuable opportunities to producers worldwide.
by Lucy Towers