Aquaculture for all

Fuel Concessions to Sri Lankan Fishermen

Sustainability Economics Politics +4 more

SRI LANKA - Sri Lankas Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Dr Rajitha Senarathne said that expeditious steps will be taken to provide fuel concessions to the fishing community.

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He said that President Mahinda Rajapaksa has instructed him to provide fuel concession to each and every fisherman.

The Minister said that a meeting in this connection will be held with the representatives of the National Fisheries Association at his Ministry at 10 am today. The steps to be taken will be discussed at the meeting, and after having a wide discussion with the District Representatives of the Association the concessions to be provided will be announced.

The Minister said that a group of saboteurs calling themselves representatives of a non-existing Fisheries Association held a demonstration yesterday and caused damages to public properties. He condemned this anti-national action and said that their attempt to drag other fishermen also to their sabotage activity failed.

The Minister said that this government has provided many facilities including a pension scheme, loan facilities, scholarships to the children of the fishing community, loan facilities etc., to the fishing community, which no other government has provided.

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