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Friend Of The Sea Certification For Tuna & Swordfish

Sustainability Marketing Food safety & handling +4 more

SRI LANKA - Alex Seafood yellowfin tuna and swordfish have been certified Friend of the Sea. This small 20 vessels fleet in Negombo, Sri Lanka uses the multihooks deepset line fishing method.

The latest IOTC stock assessment for yellowfin tuna reports that the stock is not being overfished. The multihook fishery catches only mature yellowfin tuna which have already laid millions of eggs and complies with given catch limits, thus reducing its impact on the biomass.

Approximately eight to 10 per cent by-catch was observed during the audit and reported according to scientific studies.

This by-catch was composed of four to five per cent Thalpath, two to three per cent Swordfish and two to three per cent of Marlin all of which was either traded or returned to the sea alive. There was no evidence of shark fins, marine mammals, turtles, red listed or endangered species.

In receiving certification, Kushal Weerasekara, the Quality Control Officer of Alex Seafood, states: I am pleased, this means we can prove our sustainability efforts to retailers and end consumers.

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