This framework has led to the promotion of a gear conflict resolution policy, which, when fully implemented, should help avoid conflict between scallopers and fishers operating static gear.
Ross Dougal, SFF vice-president and chairman of the new SFF Scallop Focus Group, said: “What has become evident is the need for clear lines of communication, the nomadic nature of many scallop vessels dictates that information flow is the key to avoiding conflict. This information flow is an essential component of the co-existence framework moving forward hence the need for static gear operators to work with us and help create what we hope will be a rigid and reliable system of information exchange.”
The SFF will facilitate the exchange in the hope that it resolves many of the issues attached to two succinctly different sectors working in such close proximity.
“An important element of such a policy is the buy-in it receives from all concerned, the level of information shared is the key to the door as far as inter-sectoral harmony is concerned,” said Mr Dougal
The SFF will provide logistical support to the initiative, which will include the setting up of a committee to try and resolve un-attributable incidents. The support of Marine Scotland has also been sought in this work.
Focus Group Delivers Best Practice in Scottish Scallop Sector
SCOTLAND, UK - The Scottish Fishermens Federation (SFF) and its constituent members, which represent the vast majority of the UK scallop fleet, have been working together through a recently convened Scallop Focus Group to deliver best practice within the scallop sector, of which a major output is the creation of a co-existence framework.
by Lucy Towers