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Fishery Disaster for New Jersey and New York Declared

Sustainability Politics +2 more

US - Dr Rebecca Blank, Acting Secretary of Commerce, has announced a fishery disaster declaration for New Jersey and New York due to the impacts of hurricane Sandy.

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The declaration applies to affected communities in New Jersey and New York. Although the full extent of the damage to commercial and recreation fisheries and coastal communities is not yet known, this action opens the door for Congress to appropriate money towards alleviating the financial hardship caused by the disaster.

If money is appropriated, NOAA will work closely with Congress, the states, and affected communities to help stem the cascading economic and social impacts of this storm.

We are taking action because of the storms devastating impact on the people who live and work in coastal communities that were hit hard by Sandy. Many of these hardworking Americans depend on a robust fishing industry to support their families and local economies, said Dr Blank.

This disaster declaration is part of a coordinated federal effort to help the region rebuild. The Obama Administration is committed to bringing all available resources to bear to support state and local partners as well as affected communities as recovery continues.

Communities along the East Coast were ravaged by Sandys impacts, including the fishing industry, especially in New York and New Jersey. Fishing is the lifeblood of many coastal communities, providing jobs and recreational opportunities for millions and contributing to the food security of the nation, said Dr Jane Lubchenco, administrator, NOAA.

This disaster declaration is the first step in supporting these industries and communities up and down the East Coast as they continue recovery efforts.

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