This emergency
action will allow time for Amendment 18A to the
Fishery Management Plan for the Snapper-Grouper
Fishery of the South Atlantic Region to be implemented,
if approved by the Secretary of Commerce.
The black
sea bass commercial sector has met their quota very
early in the fishing season for the past three fishing
years, and Amendment 18A contains several
management measures that would reduce the rate of
black sea bass harvest in the commercial sector to
address derby conditions.
If approved, Amendment 18A will not be effective
before the usual June 1 start date of the next commercial
fishing season.
This temporary rule will allow
management measures in Amendment 18A to become
effective before the 2012/2013 commercial fishing
season opens, NOAA Fisheries Service is delaying the
start date of the fishing season by one month.
The fishing season for Black sea bass will begin 1 July 2012.
Delayed Start of Black Sea Bass Fishing Season in South Atlantic
US - NOAA Fisheries Service is issuing a temporary rule to delay the start date of the commercial fishing season for black sea bass in the South Atlantic.
by Lucy Towers