The Living Rivers Trust Fund supports delivery of critical fisheries research and fish habitat restoration programmes throughout British Columbia. It was established by the provincial government to provide a legacy based on healthy watersheds, sustainable ecosystems and thriving communities.
The trust is administered by the Living Rivers Advisory Group and focuses on three major program areas, including:
- The Fraser Salmon and Watersheds Programme.
- The Georgia Basin/Vancouver Island Programme.
- The Skeena Fisheries Programme.
The programmes are implemented through community-based projects, developing a network of organisations throughout the province, including significant development with First Nations.
Over the past six years, the fund has enabled 450 projects and leveraged the provincial investment by at least three times through shared funding with other organisations. Nearly C$8 million has been invested in the Georgia Basin/Vancouver Island regions on numerous initiatives to improve management of watersheds for the health of fish, aquatic environments and the people who use those resources.