The event attracted over 2,700 delegates from 85 counties to the German capital, while the trade show saw 150 booths. Academic excellence was very much to the fore, with 56 sessions – including The Fish Site/EAS Women in Aquaculture seminar – 1,039 abstracts, 798 presentations and 443 posters. 328 students were present but, given that the organisers have revealed that students (and pensioners) will be able to attend for free from now on, this figure is likely to be even higher in 2020 and beyond.

Alistair Lane, executive director of the European Aquaculture Society reflected: "AE2019 in Berlin was probably one of the best ever. Attendance was very high, especially regarding the companies presenting products and the number of countries present. We also received the highest number of abstracts ever for presentation in the oral and poster sessions. This shows the attractiveness of Aquaculture Europe for science and for the sector, providing an annual hub for people to get together. We look forward very much to welcoming you in Cork next year!"
Aquaculture 2020 will take place in Cork on 29 September to 2 October 2020.