According to the draft standard, all units of shrimp aquaculture production in Sinaloa state must have a SEFA.
This system should be located in the water inlet, where it can filter the water being pumped onto the farm.
The paper, published this month in the Official Gazette (DOF), details the types of SEFA that should be installed, taking into account the hydraulic spending of aquaculture production units.
Regarding the components of the infrastructure, the document specifies that the SEFA must have a buffer zone with a minimum length of 25 meters, filtering device (nylon mesh bag between 300 and 500 microns, with a legnth equal to the length of the buffer zone).
The components of the filtering device should be cleaned regularly and kept in good condition, so that the system is able to perform its function properly.
The SEFA must also have a tube of exclusion and a discharge structure which consists of a concrete slab for the base and sturdy walls, allowing it to withstand water pressure.
The operation of this system in fish farms will reduce the amount of eggs, larvae and juvenile crustaceans, molluscs that enter ponds.