It is difficult to reconcile this given that preliminary ABARES data on the South East Trawl (SETF) suggests that port prices have actually decreased.
ABARES data showing that SETF catches have increased and continued positive changes in the most recent stock status report suggests that SETF fish is becoming less scarce.
The SETF is the largest single supplier to the Melbourne and Sydney fish markets. The piece incorrectly compares Australian flathead prices to a species from Argentina Percophis brasiliensis which is not related to flathead (and certainly is not as pictured above) but is marketed by some supermarkets as “flathead”.
SETFIA completed a review of flathead prices (the real one) and found them to be in the $30-$35/kg range - equivalent to other premium proteins such as ribeye steak.
What's up with Seafood Prices?
AUSTRALIA - The South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA) has reported that Chanel 9s A Current Affair aired a segment on seafood prices recently. Without citing evidence the piece suggested that seafood prices were rising and that marine parks and/or seafood scarcity may be responsible.
by Lucy Towers