In the framework of the Joint Technical Commission for the Maritime Front (CTMFM), the Working Group (WG-Coastal) analysed information related to seabream (Pagrus pagrus), the Brazilian flathead (Percophis brasiliensis) and Argentine croaker (Umbrina canosai).
Based on the tonnage caught and population density maps, suggestions were made for the conservation and management of these species in the coastal area between Argentina and Uruguay.
Also attending the event was, the technical secretary of the CTMFM, Dr Ramiro Sanchez and INIDEP director, Dr Otto Whler, accompanied by licensed Nerina Rock Lakes and Rita.
For Uruguay, Mr Michael King and Dr Maria Ines Lorenzo were present.
The CTMFM consists of Argentina and Uruguay, and was established in 1973. Its purpose is to conduct studies and adopt and coordinate plans and measures for the conservation, preservation and rational exploitation of living resources and marine environment protection in the area of common interest.
Uruguay Joins Argentina to Protect Fishery Resources
ARGENTINA and URUGUAY - Argentina and Ururguay have attended meetings with the coastal resources working group in order to establish acceptable catch limits for some species in the maritime area shared by the two countries.
by Lucy Towers